Studio garden at Great Western Studios by Mark Lutyens

Studio garden at Great Western Studios by Mark Lutyens; sculpture by Emily Young

Studio garden at Great Western Studios by Mark Lutyens; fish by Danny Wootton

Studio garden at Great Western Studios; lead work & fountain by Mark Lutyens and Danny Wootton
Here at Great Western Studios we have rearranged and planted our little courtyard garden as part of Chelsea Fringe. Using basic materials – cattle troughs, 8ft canes, water and lead work – we have created a vertical garden – or Jenga garden because it reminds us of the childrens’ game. We were lucky to have some Emily Young sculptures ‘just lying around’ which we have incorporated. Designed and made by myself and Danny Wootton of Wootton & Dawe the overall effect is oddly charming and peaceful. It’s open to the public this weekend and over the next month or so by appointment, do come and see it!
And here is a link to a short (2 minute) film – http://vimeo.com/66582364 –